Monday, 4 March 2013

Healing for Hearing

A travelling healing minister came to a church. There was a long line to see him. It was a little boys turn in line and he said he needed prayer for his hearing. So, the healing minister then grabbed his ears and said a powerful prayer.

The Pastor let go and asked, "hows your hearing now''. "I don't know...I will know on Friday when I go to court" replied the boy.

Laughter has been proven to lower your blood pressure, enhance your sleep patterns, reduce your pain threshold, strengthen your immune system, combat stress, anxiety, and frustration, and bond people together as nothing else can. It has been scientifically proven that themost healing type of laughter is laughter associated with clean, wholesome humor. (c) Wild Bill

In His Service

//Tim J Kyara
Teacher of the Word
Financial Freedom Fighter

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